Articles & Books

Organisation Articles

Leadership and Collaborative Intelligence

The idea of managing organisational complexity has a long and deep history.
None of the theories are sufficient to deal with today's conditions...

The Simplexity Toolbox

"I would not give a fig for the simplicity this side of complexity, but I would give my right arm for the simplicity on the other side of complexity.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes

Discovering Simplexity

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Richard Buckminster Fuller

SDi Articles

Complex system flow diagram melting down

You Can't Manage complexity

Let’s make it clear from the start. You can’t “manage” complexity, and we will only begin to step into the next stage of organisational capability when we stop trying.

Stress and Dysfunctional Leadership

There is a notion that it is often necessary for leaders to work under stress and that they should be strong and robust. When it gets difficult they should “suck it up”.
Bad idea.

Natural Design and Living Systems

What is called for by the times we are in and the conditions that we and our organisations face?

A deeper dive into organisational adaptation.

Image of Earth held in connection matrix and cosmos

The Rise of Turquoise

This article describes the oncoming Turquoise stage in the context of the Covid panic at the time I wrote it. It is still relevant.

The Dawn of Coral

An FAQ response. The question regularly arises "what will Coral look like?" While it is rather soon to respond, this article offers some cogent, and I think fairly reliable, speculations.

"Teal Organisations"

Frederic Laloux's book "Reinventing Organisations" has inspired many people. Rightly so. It has limitations and missing elements however, and might mislead you. This Integral Leadership Review article fills some of the gaps.

Relational Being

What is Relational Being?

A thorough overview of our existence in a Relational universe and what if offers us.

Our Polycrisis and the Journey to Wholeness

It's not all about climate.  What are the shifts that would enable us to adapt to multi-system breakdown?

The Science of Intuition

A fuller explanation of the way that the information field functions, and more insight into "the Science of Possibility".
This sits behind the potential for training in intuition skills.


The Science of Possibility

A comprehensive and readable presentation of the evidence for the information field, and how it functions in biology, evolution, neuroscience, development, alternative medicine and more. Exposing the fallacies in the current scientific model and showing how to create the space for the new model to mesh with it.

Paperback or e-book.

Click image or title to obtain your copy.

Access to Possibility book

Your Access to Possibility

A concise guide to applying the principles of information field function in order to work creatively with the new reality. The key elements of creating your life in a relational connection to the flow of the whole, to bring awareness and choice into your way of being.

For the hardcover version, click on title or image.

E-book: please contact us.

Reinventing Capitalism

Our relationship with money is more complex than we realise and its hold over our thinking and our global systems is massive. This book is about that relationship, from our thoughts and emotions to the systems we have created, and what needs to change if we are to deal with the metacrisis.

Available in paperback and e-book versions.
For access, please click on the image or title.

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