I am not a conventional coach.  I don’t have a standard corporate mindset.  I work at the developmental edge – whatever that might be for you.  That is where breakthroughs are to be found.

What does it take for you to develop?  What impedes that process?  I deal not only with mindset shift but with underlying issues in the body-mind.  This removes blocks to faster and more sustainable change. 

Many models of individual human development (e.g. Maslow, Torbert, Keegan) describe a series of stages but there is more to development.   I use the SDi model to get beneath the “what?” and find the “why?”  What really matters to you?  That is where your fuel is.

Personal development and leadership skills are intertwined.  The better you know yourself, the greater your capacity to work effectively with others.  My own management career was propelled by such changes and I have been doing this work for over 40 years. 

I describe this service as coaching and mentoring.  It is more than that, a leading edge multi-mode blend containing aspects that resemble sports psychology, growth mindset, emotional intelligence and more.  If you want more detail, please talk to me.  I am happy to discuss your needs.   

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